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Moving to a New Home: Top 5 Packing Organization Tips

If you’re preparing to move into a new place over the course of the next few weeks, there’s a pretty good chance that you have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, you’re probably looking forward to living in a new space. On the other, you’re probably not looking forward to all of the packing that you have to do.

When it comes to packing up to move, it doesn’t have to be something that totally overwhelms you. All you have to do is make sure that you’re organized beforehand and it will help to make the process go a lot easier and quicker. If you’d like some tips on how you can organize your home in preparation for moving, here are five suggestions.

Get an assortment of supplies. There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of packing and realizing that you don’t have enough boxes, you can’t find any Styrofoam peanuts or you don’t remember where you put your markers. That’s why, before getting started, you should stock up on all kinds of packing supplies. If you’re not sure of all that you will need, You Move Me is one website that has a pretty thorough list. Just go to the site and put “boxes” in the search field. You’ll see the different sizes of boxes that they recommend along with other items that you’ll need to make moving a lot easier for you.

Plan to start as soon as you know when you’re moving. One of the main reasons why people find themselves feeling so stressed out about moving is because they try to do it all in a matter of a few days rather than several weeks. If you purpose in your mind to pack up a few boxes every weekend, by the time you’re two weeks out from moving, you’ll be surprised by how little you have left to do. So, once you have a concrete moving date, that’s your cue to starting packing some things up.

Get rid of what you don’t need. Sometimes, the packing process ends up taking a lot longer than it should and it’s due to one reason: people try and pack up things that they don’t really need. Remember that moving is a time to make a fresh start. For this reason, as you’re going through each room, ask yourself what you want to take, what you should give away, what needs to be recycled and what simply should be thrown away.

Start with the things that you need the least. If you were to ask a moving company like DBMovers for some tips on how to make the moving process easier, one of the things that they might suggest is that you start off by packing what you use the least. For instance, if it’s summertime, you’re not going to need all of your winter wear. It’s wise to pack those items before the things that you’re actually wearing now.

Mark each box. No matter how well you pack up all of your boxes, it’s going to be a nightmare finding everything if you don’t make a point to carefully mark each box immediately after closing it. So, make sure you have some Sharpies around to write what is inside of each box. It will ultimately make unpacking so much easier for you. For tips on the best way to label boxes when preparing to move, visit and put “label boxes when moving” in the search field.

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