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Equipment to Keep your Building Site Safe

Construction sites can be very dangerous places, and it is important that you stick to all of the health and safety regulations put in place to keep everyone safe and well and free from harm. Once you have set up your site with all of the necessary, legally required equipment, you might find that there are still elements of your site which might need some extra safety supplies to make absolutely sure that nobody gets hurt. So, what should you keep on standby?

Firstly, construction sites often attract curious members of the public. People are keen to see what is going on and what is being built, so you may find that you have some trespassers chancing their luck and trying to gain entry to the site. Make sure all of the fencing you have put up around the site is properly secured and stands tightly together so that there is no way that anyone can slip through and trespass.

You may also need to equip yourself with some anti-climb paint, which makes it difficult to grip onto walls, poles and other surfaces, and some form of wire attachment to place along the top of any walls and fences. You need to avoid the risk of anyone gaining unauthorised access to your site, and should do everything you can to make sure this is the case.

Building sites are notorious for requiring emergency work on the pipes running underground. If a drill slips and creates a hole in a water or gas pipe, emergency access to the site will be required, including access to the street outside. If this is the case, store metal road plates on your site as a temporary measure for any holes which may need to be created in the pavement or the site itself, and put up some fencing to keep people away.

Make sure you always keep an extra supply of hard hats, hi-vis jackets, steel cap boots and gloves in case you get any visitors dropping in or in case anyone forgets their own. This way, they will still be able to work for the day using this spare equipment so that the building site runs more efficiently and the project will be finished on time.

At the end of each shift, make sure everyone returns all of their equipment to the allotted places to avoid any tripping hazards, and if you have any flammable substances on site, keep them well away from any electrical equipment being used.

Leonard Brooks is a site safety consultant who advises on proper practises to ensure safety and security on construction sites of all sizes

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