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Is a Skip Necessary for Every Construction Project?

When building a new office, home, or even just remodelling a home, waste disposal is one of those often forgotten yet very important concerns. Whether you are replacing elements in a home or completely building something new, there will always be waste that needs to be disposed of in a proper fashion.

Many construction teams and firms utilise skips to facilitate the disposal of waste and debris. This can make the project – particularly when it is a larger one – much more efficient. For some projects, however, it may be worth asking whether a skip is even necessary to handle the transport and disposal of waste.

Let's take a look at this question and figure out whether there are any alternatives to skip hire, which may very well save you from some unnecessary expenses.

Waste Adds Up Quickly

One major thing many people do not realise is how quickly that seemingly small amount of waste from a project can grow. From simple mistakes involving bad cuts and maths errors on the construction site to the removal of old building elements, it doesn't take long at all for a large volume of rubbish to accumulate.

Before you know it, there are several cubic metres of debris in need of removal from the construction site. How are you going to handle this mess carefully and safely? From potential sharp and pointed refuse to slimy rubbish, it's not a very pleasant experience to lug all of these forms of debris to and from a construction site.

One major benefit of using rubbish removal companies is the need to only handle it once. Simply dispose of the debris in the skip itself and have it hauled away once it is filled. The alternative is piling it together and then loading it into a van or truck – and then potentially having to unload it once again at the rubbish dump.

Some Materials Are Dangerous

When remodelling an old home or building a new edifice entirely, there are some materials and building components that just aren't safe. One common example is older insulation and paint ingredients that may be encountered when remodelling a space. You don't want these ingredients flying into the air or seeping into the ground: both can be dangerous to your health.

When using a skip, you can opt for covered and closed versions that will seal those materials off from the rest of the construction site. This will help minimise the chances of you or a co-worker breathing in unhealthy materials. As always, it is essential to also wear appropriate protective gear such as goggles, air filter masks, and other comparable accessories.

Efficiency Is Key for Projects

As we mentioned above, failing to use a skip for a construction project can result in multiple trips to and from waste facilities. One simple way to look at a skip's value is: “how much is my time worth to me?”

Would you rather spend hours hauling refuse off the site and handling it multiple times, or would you prefer to simply dispose of it once and be done?

Skips are great for maximum efficiency, as they allow you to dispose of the waste and can be picked up by the waste company once full. This will free you from having to handle and spend copious amounts of time hauling away debris when it should be nothing more than an afterthought of your latest construction project.

Skips provide plenty of functions for those working on construction projects both large and small. While there are some truly tiny home improvement projects that might not require them, anything that involves adding or removing walls, floors, ceilings – let alone the construction of a new building – absolutely should utilise the service.

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