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Spray Foam Insulation Benefits for Homeowners

If you’re someone who’s serious about energy efficiency, then we’re pretty sure that you are constantly looking for ways to make your home “greener”. You may have solar panels. You may have appliances with the Energy Star label on them. You may have double-pane windows too.

But did you know that there’s another effective way to reduce the energy costs that you have? All you have to do is make sure that you have the right amount of insulation in your attic. And while you could use something like sheep’s wool or cotton, there are more and more experts who are singing the praises of spray foam insulation. If you’re curious to know why, we’ve got five benefits that come with using it below:

Spray foam insulation improves energy efficiency. One of the best reasons to insulate your home is that it helps to protect the various rooms of your house from drastic outdoor temperatures. This means that you won’t have to rely so much on your HVAC unit and as a direct result, you will end up having a home that is a lot more energy-efficient. This actually brings up our second point.

Spray foam insulation saves you money. Although being energy-efficient is certainly great for the environment, there’s another bonus that comes with it: It helps to save you money too. In fact, according to many energy experts, by making sure that your home is well-insulated, it can easily save you 20-30 percent on energy costs. And that’s always a good thing.

Spray foam insulation raises your property value. When a home is well-insulated, do you know another bonus that comes with it? It helps to raise your property value. That’s because there are a lot of people who are in the market for homes that have “green upgrades” and one of the advantages that come with spray foam insulation is that it can get to the smallest cracks and crevices to insure great coverage and protection.

Spray foam insulation purifies the air. We’ve already discussed the fact that insulation helps to improve home energy efficiency with insulation. Well, did you know that another thing it does is purify the air? When your home is protected from outdoor elements, this makes it less vulnerable to dirt, dust, dander and debris. This means that as a direct result, the air inside of your house is much cleaner. This is good to know being that when it comes to indoor air pollution, most homes are 2-5 times more polluted than the air that is outside.

Spray foam insulation protects your home. There are two other things that spray foam insulation does for your home. It’s helps to reduce mold and it helps to keep tiny pests and critters out of your house. The reason is this: Being that spray foam can reach the smallest of spaces, you don’t have to worry about moisture coming into your house and causing mold or little bugs and mice finding a small hole and moving into your house. So, as you can see, spray foam insulation is a simple way to make a really big difference in your house. For more information on where to get spray foam insulation, you can contact a local home improvement store within your area.

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