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5 Effective Drought Survival Tips for Your Lawn

Having a green, lush lawn is something to be proud of. In the dry, summer months however, you may experience a drought which could shatter your lawn care dreams. Despite droughts, there are several things you can do to take action and protect your lawn from the negative effects of drought season. Here are 5 effective drought survival tips for your lawn.

  1. Prepare your lawn for long-term survival by not watering the grass too often. If you water your grass lots every single day, the grass will not develop strong roots since water is readily available. The better option is to water grass as needed. When you do water, be sure to water deeply and then wait several days before your next watering. Some people even recommend waiting up to a week. This encourages the grass to develop deep, strong roots. When roots are deeper, they are able to seek out water even during a time when a drought may leave water scarce. When you water too often, roots stay close to the surface where they are more likely to dry out in the summer heat, killing grass quickly.
  2. Water your grass in the morning. Often we want to water in the afternoon when the sun is out and e have the energy. However, watering in the morning is often the best choice. Early morning watering ensures that the soil and roots are able to absorb the water. In the heat of mid-day, much of the water will evaporate, leaving only a fraction for the grass to actually use for sustenance.
  3. Mow your lawn, but not too frequently. Also, don’t cut the grass to short. leave it about 3 inches long, and be sure to never cut more than a third of its height. Another tip when mowing is to leave the clippings behind. Many people get into the habit of raking up clippings. It is better to leave them however, first because it save you time and energy, and second because it improves the health of your lawn and the soil significantly.
  4. Check your lawn’s soil before watering to indicate if water is or is not needed. You can do this easily by inserting a screwdriver into the soil. If pushing is easy to do, you won’t need to water since the soil is clearly moist enough already. If it is difficult to push the screwdriver into the soil, you will want to water since this indicates the soil is much too dry.
  5. If you have a sprinkler system, make sure you know how to use it in order toe optimize its effectiveness during the drought season. If you don’t yet have one, you may consider installing one in your yard. This is a smart investment and can help reduce the amount of work needed to maintain your lawn and garden. Be sure to talk to a pro such as a landscaper in Lynnfield. for suggestions, information and pricing.

As a homeowner, you want to enjoy a lawn that you can be proud of. A green, full and healthy lawn makes relaxing, playing and entertaining outside that much more enjoyable. By using these tips, you can protect your grass and lawn from the potential damage that comes with droughts simply and effectively.

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