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Natural Ways to Ventilate Your Home

There are a lot of things that all of us must do in order to keep our houses in great condition. One of the ones that oftentimes goes overlooked is creating an environment where the various rooms in our homes are well-ventilated. Yet when we make a point to do that, not only does it improve the quality of the air but it also reduces odors, decreases the chances of mold and mildew accumulation and also helps to keep the house at a more regulated temperature all year round.

And while there are systems that you can purchase to help to increase your ventilation, the good news is that there are also natural ways that you can make this possible as well. We’ve provided you with a list of four examples below:

Do some thorough landscaping. Were you aware of the fact that the way your front and back yard are landscaped can play a significant role on if the ventilation in your house is increased or diminished? The reason why is because based upon the way certain trees, bushes and shrubs are positioned, they could either open up a path for the wind to pass by your windows or actually block them. This is something to definitely keep in mind the next time you’re out working in your yard.

Open up your windows. Speaking of windows, one of the most simple and effective ways to increase circulation in your house is to open some of them up. With the help of them, you can create single-sided ventilation (which is when you open up windows in a room that have them on only one side) or cross-ventilation (which is when there are windows on more than one wall in a room so that a current of air is created throughout the room). You can read more about both of these by going to Window Master and putting “ventilation principles” in the search field.

Add some water features. If you happen to live in a particularly warm climate, then an HVAC technician may speak with you about installing some supplemental AC features that can help to improve the quality of your HVAC unit. But if you’re looking for a way to keep your house cooler without spending a ton of money on energy costs, something else that you should consider doing is adding a few water features, both outside and inside of the home. By placing one or two of them outside, when the wind blows over the water, it can help to cool the air outdoors. By putting a couple of them near a window inside, it does the same thing for the rooms inside of your house.

Furnish your house with wicker and bamboo. Did you ever think that there were certain types of furniture that can also increase the ventilation inside of your house? Two of our personal favorites are wicker and bamboo. That’s because due to the way that they are constructed and the fact that they both have low heat retention, they’re just one more way to bring about a good air flow into your home. Some websites that carry wicker and bamboo furniture are Rattan Shack, Hayneedle, Home Depot, Target and Wicker Parade at a variety of styles and prices that everyone can afford.

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