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5 Transformative Projects to Raise Your Home’s Value

You may be excited by the prospect of moving to a brand new home. With that said, the task of raising enough capital to do so can be an obstacle to this ambition.

It is likely that your home is your largest investment. So, if you are planning to put it on the market, you should consider making a few smart enhancements to the property. Spend your time and money wisely and you will be able to optimise its market value. This will help to ensure that you have enough capital to purchase your dream home - and perhaps a little extra cash to put your own stamp on the place.

But, how can you make the best use of the funds and resources you have available to raise that all-important extra capital? No need to worry. We've collated a list of five high-impact projects to unleash your home’s hidden potential. Ready to get inspired? Then let’s get started …

Address Structural Concerns

If you put a property on the market that has structural concerns, it is unlikely to command a favourable asking price. In fact, if these issues are particularly severe, they may deter would-be buyers from putting an offer in at all. Before you commit to marketing your home, you should take care to check for the following structural problems and rectify them if necessary:

Firstly, you should check that the roof is in reasonable condition. Bear in mind that even minor and purely cosmetic issues such as loose tiles can negatively affect how viewers perceive the property.

You should also pay attention to any cracks, mold and damp in the walls and ceilings. Other problems that can seriously damage your home’s kerb appeal include leaning chimneys and cracks on the exterior walls.

If you are working with a limited budget, we would advise addressing structural problems above all others, as these can have a far greater impact on your home’s value than other more superficial improvements.

Get Your Driveway in Order

If you’re lucky enough to own a property with a driveway, you may already have caught the attention of many prospective buyers. However, if your driveway is also well maintained, the enquiries should flood in at an even faster rate.

Achieving a showhome-level driveway is simpler than you may think. There are just a few things you should bear in mind. Pressure-washing your driveway and apprehending weeds on a regular basis can go a long way in keeping it looking pristine.

If you use your driveway on a regular basis, we would recommend using a good quality block pave sealer to prevent the formation of oil stains. The right pave sealer can add a charming high-gloss finish to your driveway and boost the colour of the paving. It also works to prevent water, oil, dirt, grease and other contaminants from seeping between the paving. This can help to safeguard against damage and decay in the longer term.

Revise the Colour Scheme

A dull, dated colour scheme can seriously detract from your home’s appeal. Luckily, this is one of the easiest fixes on our list. You can repaint your walls without breaking the bank.

Not only will this bring your property’s look up to date, a vibrant colour scheme can also make the place appear lighter and brighter. Consider colour schemes that include pale greys or blues - or shades such as Light Terracotta to banish your dreary decor forever!

Secure Planning Permission

Even if you aren’t planning any projects requiring special permissions, it’s still prudent to obtain planning permission from the relevant local authority if possible.

Regardless of whether you have extended your property, simply having planning permission in place is a very attractive selling point. Think about it: any would-be buyers can rest assured that any future plans would be green-lit, which should considerably boost their perceived value of the property.

Create More Space with Under-Stair Storage

If you want to create the impression of a more spacious home, you should seriously consider adding under-stair storage. So long as your home has a staircase, the space underneath can be used to add sideboards, bookcases, shelves - or even storage closets. The stairs themselves can even be made to function as drawers for additional storage.

What an ingenious solution for storing books, clothes, umbrellas, toys - or just about any objects that would usually clutter up a busy home.

Thanks for Reading and Good Luck!

We hope you found our article informative and now have plenty of inspiration for how to bolster the market value of your abode. No matter what you ultimately decide on, we wish you the very best of luck with the renovation and sale of your home.

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