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Failsafe Buy to Let Tips: Your Guide to Maximising Your Earning Potential

The buy to let dream is one that many have. But, for many budding entrepreneurs, they are not sure how to make the buy to let market work for them. When it comes to making your home someone else’s, there are some smart things that you can do. As with any business, making money in property means having to speculate to accumulate.

So, how can you maximise your earning potential through your property?

Here are some great tips that you can use.

Research the Market

The market will have an impact on your home. So, it’s worth doing your research. Would it be best to buy a custom built house from a plan? Or, would you prefer something that was ready made. The custom plan route is often desired by many landlords, This is because they can ensure that they have a property that fits the needs of the market at that time. This can be a cheaper route to take. Plus, you get all the fun of making a home that is a viable candidate in the rental market.

Make Your Property Beautiful

Having a beautiful home is a must. Both tenants and homeowners agree. But, many landlords fail to decorate properties and leave them looking beautiful. Ripping out the bathrooms and kitchens is important. You need to add beautiful bathrooms, modern kitchens and neutral rooms to maximise your chances with the property. After all, if you have a house that is contemporary and cared for, your tenants will want to look after the house.

Don’t Forget to Take Out Insurance

When it comes to maximising your earning potential, it’s imperative that you take out insurance. Things like vacant building insurance and landlords insurance are must. That way, you can ensure that you are protected against all sorts of things. Unoccupied homes can be a signal for thieves. Tenants that refuse to pay can be a blight on your finances. While insurance may not entirely be ‘sexy’ it’s a must have if you want to ensure that your bank balance is topped up.

David Amsler

Buying a Fixer-Upper

A fixer-upper can be an inflation-busting way of getting a property that is fit for purpose. Plus, you can add bathrooms, modern interiors and amazing flooring to the home. This is a great way of obtaining a cheap mortgage and increasing the earning potential, in terms of rent, from the property. Of course, you will need to repair the house to make the most and charge the full asking price. This is one of the easiest ways to boost the value of your investment. But, you also get free reign on how the property will look overall. So, if you want to unleash your inner Kelly Hoppen.

Being Hands-On

No one makes their millions working nine till five, Monday to Friday. If you want to maximise your home's potential, you need to think about how hands-on you want to be. Remember, this is your investment too. So, you need to take good care of it. You may be renting out the property, but it’s still your bricks and mortar.

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