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How Custom Railings Can Improve Your Home

One of the great upgrades you can do to your home is to install custom stair railings. Often for a very reasonable price, you can significantly improve your home’s value, add to the aesthetic appeal of your house, and get more than enough compliments from friends and neighbors. 

Custom stair railings can be designed unique to your taste. I’m a mobile welder and I do custom stair railings in Denver. I’ve seen many different styles, shapes, and materials used for these railings. I’ve worked on enough to say that these are almost always worth it. 

These railings are always improving the home of their owners. Let me tell you why: 

  1. Custom railings can improve your home value - some realtors work specifically with a local welder or contractor for the purpose of having custom stair railings installed. 

Having custom stair railings, improves the appeal of the home and can add that custom touch that will drastically improve your home’s value. This is one of the little things that done for little money, can produce a lot more in the increase of home value. 

  1. Custom railings improve the stability and durability of your stairs and railings - a lot of times, railings are installed to make a house more safe. 

These railings can fix up a staircase really quick, making it safer to navigate and more durable. If your stairs or current railings are falling apart, definitely think about a custom job done where a local welder can help you build stair railings for you. 

  1. Custom railings can be easier to clean - most often we build our custom railings in metal so they can often be easier to clean. However, some other homes have custom railings made from wood. 

Having a metal finish can make these railings a breeze to clean. This is an added convenience of the railings. In addition, because they are so easy to clean that the railings will look that much nicer, only adding to the aesthetic appeal. 

  1. Custom railings improve the aesthetic appeal of your home - having these custom stair railings will make you more comfortable in your home, in pleasant surroundings that make you feel good. 

The railings will look great and you will get compliments on them. 

All of our customers have been thoroughly satisfied with our railings, noting that they usually provide an aesthetic appeal is very appealing to the eyes and comfortability of the homes. It might be a luxury to have custom made stair railings for your home, but it’s a luxury that is definitely worth it. 

The Process:

Usually when getting custom stair railings, you will want to contact a local contractor. Some companies specialize in just building stair railings. Other times, you can find a local contractor or mobile welder that has good experience in building these custom railings. 

Once you find someone who has done railings jobs before, give them a call and get a quote. Prices for custom stair railings can vary. You should have some ideas in mind if not, do a search for custom railing designs and find one you like. Upon having that you should work with your contractor to develop the designs. When they are to your specification go ahead and get to work!


In recent years, there has been an increase in the amount of homeowners going to get custom stair railings made for their home. It’s for good reason as these railings add so much to a home. 

As you can see, these railings are very beneficial. If you are thinking about getting your own custom railings, you should contract with a local mobile welder. They will usually be able to help design your railings and then complete the project for you. Often they are very reasonably priced and they will make your home look fantastic. 


Alexander Houtchens is a welder in Denver, CO. He has done many custom railings jobs and always recommends a trusted professional to help you complete your railings jobs. He is passionate about his work and takes pride in every job. You can see more about his work at

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