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How rope access works for high-rise pressure cleaning

Seeing high-rise buildings towering about streets can be a majestic sight in cities. But while the skyline can be impressive, up close, some buildings look less pleasing. In areas close to industry or heavy traffic, in particular, high-rise buildings can begin to look shabby, as grime and dust collect on the facades and outside of buildings of commercial properties.

One of the most effective solutions to restoring and brightening the outside of high-rise buildings is pressure cleaning. There are three aspects to pressure cleaning services: gutter cleaning, roof cleaning, and high-rise window cleaning.

Due to the complexity of the task, companies that specialise in high-rise pressure cleaning of windows use high access rope and abseiling for access.

Rope Access Building and Window Cleaning

The prime reason a business may choose to have a building cleaned using rope access cleaning services is when the building's design creates many hard-to-reach areas. It's also considered safer and less intrusive than other methods that could be used, such as:

Scaffolding – they take time and are expensive to install and take up space.

Ladders – can involve risk, and even with extension poles, it is challenging to reach difficult areas and clean them effectively.

The training levels are incredibly high in this sector, contributing to the safety of this method. Rope access technicians undergo extensive training to make sure they are skilled and maintain high safety standards. They are trained in tool control, rescue plans and protocols, and other safe ways of working.

Another factor that is worth considering when choosing a method when embarking on high rise façade cleaning is that if the team can't reach those tricky spaces to clean effectively, the overall success of the job will be compromised. You will get a patchy and inconsistent effect with some areas brighter than others. Dirt and grime will remain in some areas of the building.

So, with minimal setup time, no need for road or footpath closures and access to hard-to-reach places, why else is rope access pressure washing a good option?

It maintains the look of a building. Maintaining a building’s façade or cladding with high-pressure cleaning via rope access abseiling is a quick and safe way to retain an attractive look to the building – something your residents or tenants will appreciate. It will also boost the value of the property and extend the lifespan of the structure.

Just because a building is high, doesn't mean it is immune to being hit by graffiti. It's incredible how vandals can access their work, making it seem impossible to clean off. Rope access is an excellent solution for the removal of graffiti using chemicals and high-pressure cleaning systems.

With hundreds of windows in a single high-rise building, keeping them clean can be daunting. Lift services and scaffolding are two options, but as discussed, rope access is a more efficient and more affordable option in most cases. That's because, with just a few ropes and a couple of skilled workers, they can clean a building without needing heavy equipment.

Steps to Pressure Cleaning A Building

If you're working with a quality company, you can expect the following services from beginning to end of the contract.

Site Inspection

At this point, the company will visit your building to assess the scope of work. They'll be looking at the levels of dirt and grime on the façade and windows to determine how long the job will take and the materials they will need to use to get you the best outcome. They'll be looking out for any major issues that may affect the success of their high-pressure techniques. For example, a building that has not been cleaned for decades can anticipate slower results. It may take a few sessions, over a few years, to brighten the building where staining has occurred.

Many offer no-obligation quotes. Another thing you may suggest is that they do a test patch using high-pressure cleaning methods. This will help evaluate the potential results and set realistic expectations for both of you.

Building Report

While the service provider may only have been contracted to wash the windows or façade, they are likely to provide you with a free building report at the end of the job. This will document any problems they came across the building. Remember, their team has been up close to hard to reach places where rust, damp and other issues that could damage the integrity of a building are evident.

From the ground, you are unlikely to know the real extent of the problems facing your building. It's worth looking into their report and the advice they offer to remedy it. Ignore it, and down the line, you could be facing hefty repair bills that could have been avoided.

For more information about commercial property maintenance and pressure cleaning services visit Off Your Wall.

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