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How to Design an Energy Efficient Home Lighting Plan

If there’s one thing that any prospective homeowner wants, it’s a house that has plenty of lighting. Not only does natural lighting significantly reduce energy costs, but certain light fixtures and features can also bring a lot of beauty and charm to a home too.

If you’re in the process of building a house or renovating the one that you currently live in and you’re looking for a few tips on how you can design an energy efficient home lighting plan, we have provided you with five great tips below:

Have an open floor plan. If you are designing a new house, you might want to consider going with an open floor plan. Being that they have a lot less walls in them, that allows for more air circulation and natural lighting too. As an added bonus, it’s also a great way to integrate daily living. For instance, with an open kitchen and living room, you can cook in the kitchen and watch television in the living room at the same time.

Add some windows. Something else that you can do to allow more natural light to shine through is to add some windows. You can have some built into the sides of your front door or you can expand the size of the ones that you have in your bedroom. Remember, the more natural light that you have, the less you’ll have to rely on artificial lighting which decreases your energy costs as a direct result.

Install a skylight or some tubular daylighting devices. Another popular trend in homes that are well-lit are the skylights. These are especially ideal in rooms like your kitchen or home office. If you’re on a tight budget and you can’t afford the expense of having a skylight installed, something else that you can do is have some tubular daylighting devices put into the ceiling. These are a great way to illuminate your hallways and if you put some LED light bulbs inside of them, you can save 30-40 percent of energy on your electricity bills.

Add some glass doors. If you were to ask a lighting company like Interior Deluxe for some tips on what you can do in order to bring more light into the rooms of your house, one of the things that they might recommend is that you add some glass doors. However, if you’re concerned about replacing your front wooden door with a glass one for security reasons, perhaps use some glass interior doors. French glass doors are exquisite in the master bedroom or if there is a door that connects your kitchen to your dining room, it’s a nice addition there too.

Hang a couple of mirrors. And finally, something that you can do that is both inexpensive as well as visually appealing is to hang up a couple of mirrors. By strategically placing them in front of some of the larger windows in your house, it will give you optical illusion that the rooms in your home are bigger than they actually are. It’s a simple way to bring more light into any room of your home. It’s a wonderful final touch to any home lighting plan.

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