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What Tools Do Electricians Use

Electricians need to make use of a wide selection of tools to efficiently complete the many jobs asked of them. From rewiring houses, installing new electrical equipment and repairing existing electric components, the profession of a general electrician requires specific tools to suit each task in hand.

For new or trainee electricians, it is useful to understand which tools are appropriate for certain jobs and how they operate. As well as standard equipment used by the majority of manual workers such as  screwdrivers, hammers, nails and tape measures, there are tools commonly used by electricians only; the list below illustrates some of these in further detail:

  • Tool Belt/Bag – Owning a tool bag or belt should be the starting point for assembling a set of electrician’s tools. They will come with different compartments that allow various tools to be placed inside. Being fitted to the body, a tool belt will give easy access to needed items and be transportable around different jobs.
  • Soldering Iron – Circuit boards will be comprised of small electrical components that link together with connecting wires. A metallic substance known as solder is heated up with the soldering iron and then melts down to hold these wires in the correct positions. For electricians, the heated tip of the soldering iron is applied to the relevant area which requires careful skill and practice.
  • Wire Stripper – Installing and repairing wires are a familiar part of an electrician’s working routine. Stripping the electrical insulation, i.e. the plastic covering, from a wire is needed sometimes so that current can be passed somewhere else. Wire strippers are a simple tool used for this, similar to scissors or general wire cutters.
  • Multi-meter – A multi-meter is a device that reads electronic measurements, principally for the units of voltage, current and resistance. Basic digital, hand-held versions are commonly used by modern electricians to check electrical circuits to ensure correct operating levels. This can be bought or even hired from companies such as MCS Test Equipment for your needs.
  • Circuit tester – To assist electricians identify the performance a circuit, these testers check transistors to see if they are still operational or not. They are useful because the transistor does not need to be removed from the circuit to test out its working credentials.
  • Voltage tester – To determine the presence of a current AC voltage in wires or a circuit, a non-contact voltage tester is extremely handy in maintaining safety for electricians. They indicate the presence of electricity to indicate whether a particular wire or item is safe to touch.
  • Continuity tester – A simple yet effective tool is the continuity tester. It works by determining whether a current can be established by two points, in essence telling you whether there are any broken wires or connections in a circuit. A simple indicator will be a light or buzzer.

If looking to become an electrician, then look into buying the best tools you can afford. Cheap models will not last and can even provide a substandard performance, prolonging even the simplest of jobs. Start by reviewing and researching the equipment used in the most common jobs, acquiring them along the way as you develop your skills as an electrician. 

Colin McDermott is a college graduate with electrical background and training for 10 years.

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