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When Should You Replace Your Asphalt Driveway?

Asphalt is known for its durability and low maintenance costs. Asphalt driveways are also generally flexible and more permeable compared to cement so it is structurally built to withstand various types of weather. However, this doesn’t mean that your asphalt driveway can last you a lifetime. Like any other part of your home, it requires regular preventive maintenance care for it to last a really long time. 

But if your driveway is already showing signs of damage, you might be wondering if you should have it repaired or completely replaced. The cost of having it repaired versus a full replacement might be the reason holding you off and you wouldn’t want to spend a lot on a driveway that only needs some refurbishing, right? So to help you answer the question of when you should replace your asphalt driveway, here’s a quick checklist that will help you determine if it’s time for a total replacement. 

⬜ Your driveway is already around 12 - 15 years old.

Have you asked yourself how long have you been keeping the same driveway over the years? Your driveway could actually be way past its lifespan. On average, a structurally sound asphalt driveway lasts for about 15 years. By then, you would notice a serious decline in appearance and efficiency. You might be struggling with multiple issues in cracks, potholes, and color. At this point, a repair would not do any magic for your driveway as the granular base might not even be capable enough to hold up for another 10 years. In other words, if you know it has been around for 12-15 years, more often than not, it’s time to get a new one. 

⬜ There’s pooling water.

Pooling water could be a symptom of a drainage issue. If you’re experiencing standing water on your driveway, it could be either your driveway wasn’t sloped properly to accommodate water runoff or that the base itself was poorly installed. In any case, pooling water should not be taken lightly and should be addressed immediately because water will seep through the asphalt causing more cracks and potholes. Have your driveway checked and get a free estimate from a professional. 

⬜ There are loose aggregates falling off.

If pieces of aggregates are falling off your driveway, it could be that it has lost its elasticity over the years of wear and tear or the materials and the installation was substandard. Either way, if you have noticed that more parts are falling off than usual then it is a reason to be alarmed because this will eventually form depressions on your driveway creating likely catch basins for water. And again, pooling water can easily seep through the cracks thereby inducing more damage. 

⬜ ⅓ of your driveway is riddled with alligator cracks and potholes.

If ⅓ of your driveway is already filled with numerous alligator cracks and worsening potholes, it may be more sensible and cost-efficient on your part to opt for a full replacement. Trying to patch up multiple issues is no longer practical in this case as patching those up would only be a short-term fix and in a few years time, you’d probably be dealing with it again. Save yourself the trouble and money by considering a more long-term solution like getting a fresh asphalt paving

⬜ You forgot to keep up with your regular sealcoating schedule.

An asphalt driveway without regular maintenance for years is easier to deteriorate and has a shorter lifespan. The recommended sealcoating schedule is every 2 to 3 years to keep it water-resistant so if you know you have neglected your driveway for years, expect that you may be dealing with a more serious problem. Most likely, your base is beyond repair so it would be wiser to consider installing a new one. 

⬜ Your driveway has a poor foundation.

You will know that your paving contractor has done a lousy job with your driveway if you’ve noticed early signs of serious deterioration with just a few years in. If it hasn’t reached the 12 or 15-year mark yet and you’ve seen serious problems with your driveway despite good maintenance, it must be because there is no solid foundation. This could be due to using inferior materials or applying thinner asphalt. Whatever the case may be, the most important thing is that you make sure your paver has done a terrific job at laying a strong granular base for your driveway because this will tell how long it’s going to last. 

Now that you have a checklist, you’ll have a better idea whether your driveway is ready for a full replacement or just some repairs. Do take note that choosing your paving contractor carefully is important if you want to have a long-lasting driveway. So whether you are considering a replacement or a repair, you can always rely on driveway repair Virginia Beach VA to provide you with high-quality asphalt paving service. 

On the contrary, if you are an honest and reliable paving contractor, check out asphalt paving marketing to help you get more leads and bring in more sales for your business.

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