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5 Backyard Sustainability and Water Conservation Tips

Right now, much of the country is being gripped by a crippling drought. In fact, the dry conditions are the worst in decades. Some people are forgoing their lawns altogether – some people have stopped watering their grass. It has gotten so bad that some counties are placing mandatory water restrictions on homeowners. This is why you want to think about water conservation when you are building and maintaining your lawn. There is a common misconception that lawns need a lot of water to look verdant and alive – the truth is, however, that it all depends on how you landscape. Here are five backyard sustainability and water conservation tips.

  1. Plant flora that doesn’t need much water. There are a lot of plants and trees – and even shrubs – that don’t need too much water. A lot of these plants have adapted to live through multiple seasons with limited water. On the extreme side of this scale, cacti need almost no water. When you are planning your landscaping project, you may want to think about planting these types of flora.
  2. Include sculptures, rocks and other elements to decrease the water coverage area. Another great way to make your outdoor space more sustainable and to conserve water is to convert parts of your backyard or front yard into a sculpture area or rock garden. Combining some non-organic elements will still make your back or front yard look beautiful, but you won’t have as much watering. If you have a rather big backyard, this can be a great way to cut down on the number of gallons you use to take care of your lawn.
  3. Re-use water as much as you can. In some other cases, you may be able to reuse water. For instance, you could install a rainwater tank that waters your lawn on a scheduled basis. You could also build tanks underground that capture the water each time you blast the sprinklers. Capturing water and reusing it is one of the most sustainable ways to care for your outdoor space, especially in the midst of a terrible drought.
  4. Add mulch on a regular basis. It is also critical to add mulch on a seasonal basis. Mulch is important, because it will ensure that moisture stays in the ground. If you live in a drought-ridden community, mulch will make sure that the water in the ground stays for longer. In most cases, you can call a landscaping service, like Trimlawn Landscape Services, to help install and place the mulch. Mulch comes in many shapes and forms and it will help to have professional advice.
  5. Only water when you need to. Another simple way to conserve water is to only use water when you need it. Many people over-water their lawns, which is not only wasteful, but it can also damage or kill plants. In most cases, you want to pay close attention to the water schedule – some plants don’t need to be watered every couple of days; every couple of weeks would probably suffice.

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