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5 Tips for Mixing Old and New Furniture in Your Home

Mixing new and old furniture is a stylish and fun way to decorate your home. By letting you hang onto your old favorites while also incorporating modern styles, mixing your furniture can add a lot of personality and vitality to your home. Below are five tips to help you mix and match old and new furniture in your home.

One of the easiest ways to mix furniture in your home is to stick to a limited color palette. If you stick to two or three colors for a room, differences in design can be lessened. Of course, these colors need to work with one another, so keeping it simple with whites and grays can help smooth out a look. And with a simpler color base for a room, you are free to use interesting accessories to add a splash of color and detail to a room.

Shape & Scale:
Another great way to match together old and new furniture is to find pieces that are of similar shape and scale. If a room needs two couches but one is old and the other is newer, it may help unify the room if the pieces are of a similar size. By making sure the general shape and size of the two pieces are the same, you can help give a room a more singular look and feel.

An exciting way to incorporate new and old furniture in your home is to play them off of one another. If your living room is primarily comprised of modern furniture, try including a vintage end table or bookshelf to help add a little more personality or a point of interest to the room. By using an older piece of furniture as an accent in a more modern room, you make a space your own and reflective of your tastes.

Furniture Facelift:
If you have some aging furniture that you just can’t part with, consider breathing new life into it by reupholstering, refinishing or applying a slipcover to the piece. By updating or restoring an older piece of furniture, you can preserve the original work while also continuing to make it a functional part of your home.

One of the best ways to successfully mix new and old furniture in your home is to repeat styles, materials and colors in a space. If you want your office to contain a healthy mix of different furnitures, try finding pieces with something in common that you can pepper throughout the room. By including a set of matching lamps or end tables, you can help provide a little uniformity or design stability to a room that might otherwise feel slightly disparate. Similarly, try to sticking to similar materials to help unify a room’s theme. If your chairs are made of wood, maybe look for a desk that also has wooden legs. While the designs may not be the same, the common aspect can help solidify a look.

Mixing furniture is a fun and engaging way to personalize your home. Combining old and new pieces can add character, depth and texture to any space. For more helpful tips on mixing furniture in your home, be sure to visit Stash Home for all of your home furniture design needs.

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