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Are You Ready to Put in a New Fence? 5 Considerations to Make Beforehand

Is it time to change the rotting boards and put in new fencing? Or maybe, your new property doesn’t have the kind of fencing you like, if any at all. In either situation, here are five questions to ask before you decide on your fencing options.

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Do You Know About All Your Options?

Before settling on a particular material and design, ask yourself if you are really aware of all your options or not. Northland Fence provides a detailed rundown of all the popular fence types that are relevant in 2019 and beyond, so do take the time to educate yourself about all the possibilities before committing to an informed decision. You might even be surprised at how much you were missing out on and the kind of short- and long-term savings that are possible by opting for more modern materials.

What Purpose Do You Need It to Serve?

Depending on where you live and how much you care for privacy, your fence could serve a variety of purposes, ranging from security and privacy, to even soundproofing. However, choosing one isn’t always a guarantee of the other. For example, chain link fences in large properties are great for security, but they do not provide any privacy whatsoever! Determine your primary purpose and then consider the options that meet your primary purpose first.

Is Maintenance Worth It?

Wooden fences are gorgeous initially and with proper care, they can certainly remain beautiful for a few years, but are you ready to put in the “proper care” that is necessary? Also, they will eventually need to be replaced and that can be quite expensive too. A lot of American homes still rely on picket fencing, but it might be worth considering other more long-lasting materials such as vinyl, aluminum, or even steel.

Is It Really a DIY Project You Can Handle?

This is not to say that no one can handle putting up a fencing on their own, but depending on the material, how experienced you are and the size of the area that needs to be covered, it may prove to be too much and you may want to hire a professional service for putting up the fencing.

Will the Fencing Type be Appropriate for the Climate?

The United States is a big place and the climatic conditions differ widely, based on what part of the country you are living in. For example, wood will swell and rot quite frequently in a state as wet, humid and warm as Florida, and it will likely rust wrought iron fencing quite quickly as well, making vinyl a better alternative.

Of course, these are the most practical questions, but there is also the question of matching your fencing with the rest of your outdoor décor to consider. Even if matching the rest of the décor with the fencing material itself is not the most practical option, improvise and use color and design to make up for it.

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