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Common Mistakes Homeowners Make With Their HVAC Systems

When it’s burning up or freezing cold outside, one thing that we find ourselves being extremely thankful for is our HVAC system. After all, that is what helps to keep the rooms in our homes at a comfortable temperature all year-round. And since we’re pretty sure that you don’t want to go a day without being able to use your unit, it’s important to know about some of the common mistakes that homeowners tend to make; just so that you can avoid them and also enjoy your HVAC system for years to come.

Not using a programmable thermostat. One of the best ways for you to reduce your energy costs and also take great care of your HVAC unit is to install a programmable thermostat. By adding one to your home, you can pre-set your thermostat to certain temperatures, both when your home and when you’re away. This prevents you from constantly manipulating your thermostat and ultimately, overworking your unit.

Failing to change your air filters. If you can’t remember the last time that you changed the filters in your unit, then it’s definitely been too long. According to most manufacturers, you should switch out the filters in your unit between every 60-90 days. That way, air can flow freely (and cleanly) into the rooms of your house. But, if you don’t change your filters on a constant basis, your filters will get clogged, making it harder for your unit to work at an optimal level.

Blocking your air vents. There’s another common mistake that a lot of homeowners make; one that is very simple to correct. If you have furniture, throw rugs or even drapes that are covering up your vents, then you are definitely hindering the amount of air flow that you should be receiving. Sure, air vents may not be the most attractive thing to look at, but we all need them in order to get the most out of our HVAC unit. So make sure nothing is over them.

Doing your own troubleshooting. Although the internet provides us with a wealth of information on everything from how to cook a gourmet meal to myths about electricity use , sometimes even the best DIY sites cannot do the thorough work that a licensed technician can. That’s why, when it comes to your HVAC unit, it’s important that you don’t do a lot of your own troubleshooting. Sure, you can do basic things like change your own filters or vacuum your ducts, but if you sense that your unit has a serious electrical issue or even a water leak, call a professional to check the problem out. This brings us to the final point.

Not getting your system serviced annually. There are a lot of people who don’t think to call a professional to tend to the appliances in their home unless they are not working. But by having certain ones serviced 1-2 times per year, that is what will keep them working well for years to come. Plus, if there is an issue that you’re not aware of yet, a licensed technician will be able to spot it, ultimately saving you money on expensive repairs. For more information on how to find a reputable HVAC technician, go to and put “how to find a good technician” in the search field.

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