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How to Stop Air Leaks in HVAC Systems

Now that the winter chill has finally taken over many regions, it is becoming increasingly more important that we maintain our HVAC systems. This is one of the main reasons why it is critical that you find and stop any air leaks in your HVAC system. Not only are air leaks frustrating – they can be quite noisy – but they can also cause your energy bill to rise significantly. If you want to save money and keep your home an even temperature during the winter, fixing leaks in your HVAC system is the first step. When it comes to stopping air leaks in their tracks, it is important to first find where they are and then use special materials to seal them. Here is how to stop an air leak in an HVAC system.

First, you need to find the air leak. Usually, the air leak can be found in the ductwork of your HVAC system. One of the most common furnace inspection expectations is that you will find an air leak, because that could be the cause of a number of problems that you are having with your system, like high utility bills and uneven heating. When it comes to the tools that you will need to find an air leak – a flashlight and a keen attention to detail will be the most important.

After you have the general area that you’d like to inspect further, you want to shine the flashlight into the ductwork to see if you can find any rips or tears. Sometimes finding a leak is as easy as catching it with your naked eye. However, if you can’t find it with a flashlight and your naked eye, you may need to examine a little further. You can either put your hand over the ductwork and feel for the leak, or you can use a candle if the leak is more imperceptible.

Once you have the leak in your crosshairs, you can patch the leak. If the leak is particularly imperceptible, you can use a combination of epoxy resin and plumber’s tape to cover the leak. You may need to use a couple of pieces of tape – just to make sure the leak is totally covered. If the leak is a little larger, you may need to cut out that portion of the ductwork and replace it. There are a number of reasons why you may have a big leak. For instance, rats or even raccoons can get into your attic and can cause significant damage to your ductwork.

Lastly, when you are inspecting for leaks, you want to have your heating or air conditioning system on low, so that there is a steady flow of air. It will be hard to find small or nearly invisible leaks if the system is not on. However, when it comes to patching the leak, you want to turn your system off. If you have successfully patched the leak in your HVAC system, you will start to notice lower utility bills and a more even temperature. Not only that, but patching all leaks is good for the environment, which is important if you want to minimize your carbon footprint.

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