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Property Investment in Delhi is on the Rise

The city of Delhi is the national capital and the home to one of the most robust demands of housing. The city has been considered to be one of the most promising centres for urban property development and it has been on the leeward side of the demand for the past many years. The economic recession has played havoc on the property markets across the country and the city is also not spared. The demand for housing in Delhi has always been high and so have been the costs of properties. This is the reason why the sales dipped in the region for the past many years. But now that the economic conditions have improved, it has become considerably easy for the property owners to find the best housing in the city with great ease and comfort. The overall growth in demand for housing in the city has been considered to be amongst the most robust in the city. Now that the buyers are willing, this demand is converting into sales.

The rise in demand for housing Delhi

There are several factors that have led to the growth in demand for housing in Delhi. However the most important among those is the economic growth of the city that has been subdued for quite some time. When the recession hit the Indian economy, the inflation started increasing. RBI had no choice but to decrease the lending rates and the overall economic growth fell. While the industrial output decreased, the lending rates were too high for capital investment. As a result, the industrial growth decreased even further. The property business in the city of Delhi comprises of houses whose costs are amongst the highest in the country. Now that there was a slowdown in the economy, most buyers did not have sufficient disposable income to invest in housing. Even if they did, the interest rates of home loans were considerably high to allow the overall growth of property business in the city. The buyers were not willing to pay the price and wanted to wait for the right time. The demand for property for sale in Delhi therefore decreased and it remained so till the end of the year 2014. It was only after the RBI declared the reduction in lending rates in February 2015 that the overall growth of housing in Delhi started to improve. In June there was another deduction declared and now it is clear that the markets have opened up competitively.

How to search for houses in Delhi?

Property portal has invested in operations in Delhi and allows access to its full range of services for searching of houses. The city has been considered to be amongst the top new destinations of property in the country and the portal has captured the demand effectively. It allows end users to search for houses using the locality based features. For example, if a person wants to buy a flat in Vasant Kunj, then this person would be able to access the map of Vasant Kunj and then choose the location of the house depending on his/her choice. The comprehensive information that accompanies the house helps in easy selection.

In Conclusion

Property portal allows end users to find the best houses with considerable ease and comfort.

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