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Should Homeowners Invest In Solar Panel Roofing

Solar panel roofing is becoming a more popular choice for homeowners looking to reduce their energy costs. But what should you know before you decide to switch to solar panel roofing? This post will outline the benefits of solar panel roofing, as well as some of the factors you'll need to consider before making a decision.

Solar tiles are a type of solar panel. These tiles are not only cost-effective, eco-friendly, and popular, but they also have a smooth texture that makes them appear great. They also have a strong street presence in any area. Not only does it save homeowners money, but installing solar panels can also increase the value of your home by making it more appealing to buyers. Plus, most people who go solar are eligible for substantial tax incentives and rebates. If you need to find a roofer in St. Louis then contact this company to get a free estimate.

Advantages of Solar Panel Roofing

Solar panel roofing is becoming increasingly popular for homeowners, as it offers multiple advantages that can save them money in the long run. Here are just some of the benefits of solar panel roofing:

1-Increase Home Value

 The recent rise in popularity of solar panel roofing has increased the demand for houses with these roofs. This can potentially increase the resale value of your house.

2-Aesthetic Appeal

Many solar panel roofs look like any other roof, and they blend in nicely with shingles or other conventional forms of roofing materials. If you want to add a bit of style to your exterior, then choosing solar panel roofing may be right for you.

3-Lower Energy Bills

Solar panel roofs typically require less energy to heat and cool your house, which means that you will save on your utility bills. This benefit can add up over time and provide you with an excellent return on investment (ROI).

Over the Life of the Panels: The average lifespan of solar panels is about 30 years, so they should last you for at least that long. Once the initial installation is complete, there are no further costs except general maintenance.

4-Tax Credits

One of the biggest benefits of using solar panel roofing is receiving federal tax credits for your investment. This can reduce the amount of money you spend out-of-pocket on these systems.

What's so green about solar panel roofing?

The environmental benefits of using renewable energy like solar power for your roof are enormous. Solar panel roofing can eliminate the use of non-renewable energy sources, such as petrol and coal, which release greenhouse gases into our atmosphere when burned. This creates a positive environmental impact by reducing emissions from power plants and drastically slowing down climate change. As these sources fuel many other aspects of life, solar panels for roofs will have a wider-reaching effect on the environment.

Solar panels on your roof can also reduce water consumption. In addition to reducing our reliance on it, they help conserve existing supplies of freshwater. By generating clean energy from the light and heat of the sun, solar power is a sustainable solution for climate change and environmental issues of today and tomorrow.

Challenges of solar panel

While solar panels have fantastic benefits, they also come with their challenges. For example, the installation of solar power requires the purchase of special equipment that cannot be stored in your home and can only be used while attached to a roof—meaning it's not necessarily portable. Also, they require direct sunshine to work most effectively and thus may not be suitable for your home if you live in a cloudy area. Also, solar panels can become very hot, which is not great when paired with summer heat and insulation that may be lacking in older roofs.

Lastly, most old asphalt shingles and even most new asphalt shingles do not allow light to pass through them — meaning most of the light is filtered out before it ever reaches the solar panel.

What Roof Type (Style or Design) is Best for Solar Panels

While the style of a roof is less important to solar panel installation, it can have an impact. For example, a hilltop house with a swale or valley where the roofline dips down will require more equipment and work for solar panel installation. Also, consider eaves and other obstructions since they will need to be removed for most installations.

Roof pitch is, however, an important consideration. A solar panel installer will need to know the pitch of your roof to determine how many panels can be installed. If your roof pitch isn't close to a 12-degree angle or its exact pitch is unclear, consider getting a professional estimate for solar installation costs before proceeding with a purchase.

Are Solar Panels Warranted to Withstand Hail?

In recent years, solar panel manufacturers have been putting an increased focus on using glass that can handle hail impact. Some manufacturers have been able to add a protective layer to the panels, making them much more durable in storms.

Most solar panels are warranted for 25 years, but this number can drop significantly if the panels are not receiving enough sun exposure. A shaded roof can force homeowners to purchase more equipment or increase their energy costs because solar power will not be available.

The best option, however, is to purchase a home with a metal roof. Metal roofs are completely hail-resistant and can withstand extremely high winds.

Do Solar Panels Need a Strong Sun Exposure?

According to Green Tech Media, solar panels can be installed on a roof that is partially shaded, but this can significantly reduce their power output. For example, if a roof is only 50 percent shaded with no obstructions, the power output could decrease by up to 90 percent of the penal.

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