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How a Dirty Air Filter Can Negatively Impact Your HVAC System

HVAC stands for ‘heating, ventilation, and air conditioning’ – it is a totally comprehensive system that includes condensers, heating coils, electrical connectors and fans. In the summer and winter, this system will be your secret weapon to beat the heat and stay protected from the bitter cold. One of the most important parts of this comprehensive system is the filter. Your HVAC system’s filter is responsible for making sure the air traveling into the... ❯❯❯

Why Air Conditioner SEER Ratings Are Important

If you are trying to learn how to size your dehumidifier, your ventilation system and your heating and air conditioning unit, you want to do some basic math. The same goes if you are trying to find out what the efficiency of a certain HVAC system is. Air conditioning systems, for instance, use a SEER rating. This is simply a ratio equation that will tell you what systems are more efficient than others. As global warming becomes more and more of a threat,... ❯❯❯

AC Evaporator Coil Cleaning Tips for Homeowners

Although all of us are thankful for our AC units, it tends to be something that we take for granted – that is until it starts leaking, making funny noises or breaks down. Then suddenly, all we can think about is what we need to do in order to get the unit back in good working condition again. If you were to ask a professional AC technician about one of the best things that you can do to prolong the life of your HVAC unit, something they would probably... ❯❯❯

How Homeowners Can Reduce Their Need for Air Conditioning in Summer

The summertime can be hot – really hot. Sometimes we don’t even realize how high the temperatures can climb until we’re sitting in our own homes drenched in perspiration and wishing for an ice-cold swimming pool to jump into. Of course, if you have the luxury of an air conditioner, you can put the AC on full blast and manage the climate. However, blasting the AC can be expensive – it can cause your energy bills to spike. Moreover, blasting your air... ❯❯❯

Hiring a Commercial Construction Contractor: 5 Factors to Consider

Hiring a commercial contractor is a big decision. Simply put, that company or individual will be responsible for all of your day-to-day construction decisions, permit applications and scheduling. As such, it is important that when you choose a contractor, they are the perfect fit for you and your project. There are a number of factors to consider when searching for the right commercial construction contractor so read below to get a few helpful tips. ... ❯❯❯

Roof Repair and Replacement Tips After Storm Damage

Storms. Although they’re something that none of us want to ever experience, the reality is that we can’t control Mother Nature. Therefore, sometimes storms do happen. And if your home has recently experienced the after-effects of one, it can sometimes lead to expensive roof damage. The good news is that there are things that you can do to help to get your roof repaired and, if need be, replaced. If you’re interested in knowing some of the steps that you... ❯❯❯

5 Things to Consider When Purchasing Welding Equipment and Supplies

Welding is one of those skills to have that will come in handy time and time again. From working on home construction projects to making repairs – and even if you want to practice creating sculptures from metal – welding will give you insurmountable freedom to complete many different types of jobs. Whether you are an inexperienced welder or an advanced welder, you will certainly need a few basic supplies. Without this equipment, it will be difficult to... ❯❯❯

Moving to a New Home: Top 5 Packing Organization Tips

If you’re preparing to move into a new place over the course of the next few weeks, there’s a pretty good chance that you have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, you’re probably looking forward to living in a new space. On the other, you’re probably not looking forward to all of the packing that you have to do. When it comes to packing up to move, it doesn’t have to be something that totally overwhelms you. All you have to do is make sure that you’re... ❯❯❯

How to Calculate Proper Home Attic Ventilation

Attic ventilation. It’s a topic that is not commonly discussed and yet, when it comes to providing your house with the maintenance that it needs, it’s very important. Not only does a well-ventilated attic ultimately help to reduce energy costs, but it also helps to keep the humidity levels down too. That’s a good thing because it ultimately prevents you from having to worry as much about leaking roofs, water damage and the formation of ice dams in your... ❯❯❯

Water Efficient Landscape Design Tips for Homeowners

If you’re someone who takes a lot of pride in your lawn, you’re certainly not alone. After all, a well landscaped yard is the first impression that anyone gets when visiting anyone’s house. But if you’re also someone who is passionate about being efficient, you might find yourself wondering if there’s anything that you can do to conserve more water as you’re manicuring your lawn. The answer is “yes”. Several things, in fact. And the good news about each... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Mixing Old and New Furniture in Your Home

Mixing new and old furniture is a stylish and fun way to decorate your home. By letting you hang onto your old favorites while also incorporating modern styles, mixing your furniture can add a lot of personality and vitality to your home. Below are five tips to help you mix and match old and new furniture in your home. Color: One of the easiest ways to mix furniture in your home is to stick to a limited color palette. If you stick to two or three colors... ❯❯❯

5 Backyard Sustainability and Water Conservation Tips

Right now, much of the country is being gripped by a crippling drought. In fact, the dry conditions are the worst in decades. Some people are forgoing their lawns altogether – some people have stopped watering their grass. It has gotten so bad that some counties are placing mandatory water restrictions on homeowners. This is why you want to think about water conservation when you are building and maintaining your lawn. There is a common misconception that... ❯❯❯

5 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Custom Home Builder

Having a custom home built is an exciting prospect and it’s easy to miss some important steps. If you’re making an investment in a custom home, chances are you’ve taken your time coming to that decision and picking out the right piece of land to build on – now it’s time to find the right builder for the job. Picking the right builder can be the difference between a dream home and a nightmare, a great investment and a bad one. While it’s likely the builder... ❯❯❯

How to Make Your Home and Business Less Costly to Run

How to Make Your Home and Business Less Costly to RunRunning a home, and indeed a business, can be a costly endeavour. One of our biggest concerns in recent years is the advancing cost of our energy bills. If you have a home that is run using gas or electricity you will have seen the increasing price of living and many people are looking to offset this with alternative ways of saving those pennies. Here are some guidelines to making some much needed savings. Have an Energy Efficient Boiler System: All... ❯❯❯

5 Easy DIY Weekend Projects to Increase Your Home’s Value

If you’re a homeowner and you’re ready to do a bit of upgrading, or you’re preparing to put your house on the market, it’s always a smart idea to do the kind of renovations that will not only improve the appearance of your home but will also increase your property value too. But if your budget or schedule is pretty tight and you’re wondering when you’ll be able to do these kinds of projects, the good news is that there are several of them that you can do... ❯❯❯

5 Ways for Buyers to Negotiate Issues After a Home Inspection

Once you’ve found a house you love, you’ve submitted an offer, and the seller has accepted, it’s time to go through a home inspection to ensure that you get what you’re paying for. Unfortunately, your home inspection may uncover some dark secrets lurking in the attic, behind the walls, and even down to the foundation of the structure. And when you come across major issues, you’re going to have to figure out who will deal with them, taking on the burden... ❯❯❯

Air Leakage Detection and Sealing Tips for Homeowners

If you were to ask a panel of energy experts to share with you some of the main reasons why people tend to spend more money than they should on energy costs, there is one thing that they are definitely going to have on their list: air leakage. Being that so many homes have small cracks and holes along their windowsills and doors and because some of them even have air coming out of their appliances, many individuals are wasting money without even realizing... ❯❯❯

Simple and Effective Preventative Plumbing Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

If there are two things that many people take for granted inside of their homes, it would have to be electricity and plumbing. That is until something goes wrong and turning on a light is not as simple as flicking a switch or plumbing leaks make it hard to take a shower or wash clothes. While both concerns are serious, over the course of the next few moments, you will learn some of the simple and effective ways to prevent plumbing issues from being a... ❯❯❯

New Heating and Cooling System Options for Homeowners

Time marches on and so does technology. And advances in computer and mobile technology have impacted every industry, including home heating and air. In fact, there are scads of new HVAC system options available to homeowners interested in making their homes more comfortable, functional, and energy efficient. Whether you’re looking to raise your convenience level when it comes to heating and cooling your home, you’d like to cut your energy bill, you’re... ❯❯❯

5 Things Every New Homeowner Should Do to Start Conserving Energy at Home

As a new homeowner you may be a little overwhelmed with everything that goes into managing your own household. For one thing, you now have a lot more expenses that renters don’t have to deal with, including property tax, homeowners insurance, and annual maintenance, just for example. But you also have to deal with some maintenance tasks. While you’ll probably want to hire a plumber to flush your water heater and snake your drains and an HVAC tech to... ❯❯❯

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