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What special considerations need to be taken on a condo remodel?

Vacation rental properties have to be updated frequently to keep them looking good. A better-looking property attracts more bookings and that is exactly what you need as a vacation rental property owner. That's why condo remodels should be done regularly. Nevertheless, there are special considerations you have to keep in mind when planning and executing condo remodel plans. These include:

Common areas

Condominiums are not stand-alone properties which means some of the areas are considered communal. You are not allowed to renovate the common areas. They include supporting columns, the front door, windows, and balconies. Also, you have to consult the condominium board and get the consent of other tenants before remodeling the hallways, courtyards, and elevators.

Failure to do this can attract a fine not to mention being asked to undo all the renovations you may have done. Before planning any condo remodel, you should figure out the shared areas you are not allowed to change. This will assure you of a smooth sail during the renovation. An agreement between you and the condo board spelling out the shared areas and the areas you own will clear any confusion. The agreements are specific, and you can always refer to them if there are questions in the future.

Condominium board guidelines and requirements

Every condominium board has a set of requirements and guidelines to be followed if any condo owner wants to carry out property renovations. You will have complete freedom on how to decorate the condo interior. However, most of these boards have rules on the materials that can be transported in the elevators and also the time of the day you are allowed to do that. An electrical permit may be required in some cases. You will also have to get permission before you start the renovation. It is standard procedure to draft a proposal to be present to the condominium board to get permission.

Property managers are of great help if you need help creating the proposal. No matter the kind of remodels you plan to undertake you shouldn't keep the board in the dark. Even minor renovations can be frustrating if you don't inform the board. Remodeling contractors sometimes act as a liaison between you and the board to ensure you don't get overwhelmed.

Hiring a condo remodeling manager

If you have enough time, you can oversee the remodeling project. However, this requires certain skills and knowledge so that you can point out mistakes or suggest better ways of doing things if you are not satisfied. Hiring a condo remodeling manager can save you time and also lower the probability of things going wrong during the implementation process. The condo remodeling manager will keep everything moving according to plan and even hire all of the contractors for the remodel. Remodeling can easily get overwhelming, but the help of a condo remodeling manager will save you the frustration. However, you have to pick an expert to ensure that the outcome will be just what you had expected if not better.

Trash removal

In any remodeling project, there will trash to be removed occasionally. This is more challenging in condo remodel compared to free-standing houses. Because of a protracted process, the cost will be higher in condo remodels. An elevator will have to be reserved for that specific use which means the best time to remove the trash in condos has to be when the elevators aren't in use. Also, the permission of the condominium board will have to be obtained. On the same note, this trash cannot be disposed of in the building dumpster. Therefore, you will have to find a way to get rid of it on your own. This will be an added cost. Knowing this, it is better to let the contractor handle the process. Construction companies have to deal with trash removal in all the projects they work on meaning they not only have enough resources to do the work efficiently but also know the legal ways to dispose of the trash.

Booking parking spaces and elevators

Unlike in free-standing houses, you won't be the only one using the parking spaces or the building elevators. Thus, booking of these facilities will have to be done in advance. The renovation company should provide you with information about the extra parking spaces they will need for their company vehicles and also for large waste bins. Booking elevators will ensure the work runs efficiently with minimal run-ins with neighbors if any.

On the same note, many states restrict construction hours and it is even more strict for condo remodels. Often, any construction or remodeling work can only be done from 9-5 pm over the weekdays. You won't be allowed to do any construction over the weekend or after 5 pm on weekdays. Even though it may take longer for the remodeling project to be completed, liaising with the renovation company can speed up the process by ensuring every waking hour is utilized well.

Electrical and plumbing limitations

Electrical and plumbing systems are tricky to handle during remodeling projects in condos. If the plumbing remodel will demand turning off the building's water supply the condo boards will be reluctant to agree to it. If you will have to move sinks, toilets, or showers then extra piping will have to be installed. This requires permission from the condo board and many people have these kinds of requests denied in most cases. These limitations can be frustrating but there is always a way to get what you want without stepping on anyone's toes. Discuss with the board what you are allowed to do without inconveniencing the neighbors or breaching any laws. Moving or adding electrical outlets will also have to be approved by the condo board as well and that is something else to consider in this case.

The condo board and property managers can work together to help give you ideas on what you can do to achieve the desired results in electrical or plumbing renovations.

Renovation goal

The renovations and remodels you do in a vacation rental condo should be geared towards making the place luxurious for the guest. This means that the chosen projects should not be based on your personal preferences. Go for neutral outlooks. Make the space beautiful and functional and you will win over more guests. Also, you need to have your priorities right so that you can make more money from the property. While most renovations take place in order to make your property better for yourself other renovations and repairs our done by sellers trying to get their property ready to sell.

How well a condo remodeling project goes will depend on how well you plan for it. Therefore, take your time in the planning phase to not only write down what will be done but also come up with contingency plans. Permissions and building permits should also be obtained in advance. With these special considerations in mind, your condo remodeling projects will go smoothly.

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